Keep Calm, and Concrete on: A step-by-step guide for buying concrete for your home project

“Keep Calm and Carry On”

This motivational phrase was coined just before WWII to inspire civilians to not give into fear. While the war ended long ago, the expression has endured and been modified many times over.

Today, we here at Mathews Readymix are trotting out this old chestnut to remind you not to panic in the face of a concrete challenge, even if it’s your first time using it for a project. 

Just follow these handy steps instead: 

Step 1: Find the optimum time of day for your concrete pour. How? Check your weather forecast, and consider the time of year. For example, if it’s still winter and too cold, you might want to wait. Concrete does best in mild temperatures above 50°F. Or if it’s raining every night for the next few weeks, you might want to avoid an evening delivery. And while it’s usually not possible to book an exact time, you can at least narrow it down to a reasonable window. 

Step 2: Measure the area. While this may sound obvious, one of the most important steps is figuring out how much space you have. This will enable you to move on to the next step. Be sure to measure width, length, and depth.

Step 3: Use a concrete calculator. Yes, there is such a thing as a concrete calculator, (and Mathews Readymix has one!) This tool helps you calculate the amount of concrete you need for your project. And the best part is, it isn’t one-size-fits-all. This calculator has specific fields for the most common shapes in the construction world, for flat surfaces, empty circles, and cylinders. 

Step 4: Did you know not all concrete is the same? It’s important to find the right kind of concrete for the job. Some options include fiber-reinforced, lightweight, pervious, and high-strength. Not sure what type you need? Reach out to Mathews Readymix, and we’ll help you find the best match. 

Step 5: Call and order your concrete. Once you’ve picked your concrete product, give us a call to reserve it. Mathews Readymix handles all kinds of jobs, from residential, commercial, public works, and even specialty applications. 

Step 5: Prepare for delivery. It’s go time! Make sure the site is prepped and free of any obstructions so the large delivery trucks can access it easily. As with many things in the construction industry, sometimes the arrival time is not exact due to outside factors. Have your site prepped, and keep an eye out for our famous blue and white trucks; we’ll be there soon! 

Ready to begin? Contact us today to start the process!

Aaron Bacon