Mathews Readymix Helps Rebuild the Honey Run Covered Bridge

History Is Not Lost

In 2018, the Honey Run Covered Bridge was destroyed in the Camp Fire. Residents of Butte County were devastated at the loss of this local icon. Since then, the Honey Run Covered Bridge Association has been trying to raise money for its restoration. Mathews Readymix has become a part of the rebuilding effort. 

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Remembering the Honey Run Covered Bridge

When is a bridge more than just a structure? Honey Run Covered Bridge was a place of memories. Since it was built in 1886, it was so much more than a beautiful backdrop for Butte Canyon. It bore witness to countless weddings, events, and other meaningful gatherings. Locals felt a tremendous connection to the bridge that was a link to the community and to the past. 

Before its demise, Honey Run Covered Bridge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and was the only surviving example of its type of Pratt-style trusses on a covered wooden bridge in the United States. The bridge was retired from vehicular traffic in 1965, when it began its new life as a footbridge open to pedestrian traffic. It remained protected and preserved in the Honey Run Bridge County Park until 2018 when its 131 year life was cut short by the Camp Fire.

Butte County Rallies for Restoration

In January of 2019, a movement to rebuild the Honey Run Covered Bridge began. Both public and private stakeholders joined forces and the Honey Run Covered Bridge Association was formed. Ownership of the bridge site was transferred to this non-profit and the plans began for its restoration. The cost to rebuild is estimated at 2.9 million dollars, of which over 1.2 million dollars has been raised thus far. The “new” bridge will maintain the original appearance as much as possible while adhering to safety standard upgrades. 

What Is Needed To Rebuild the Bridge?

The effort to rebuild Honey Run Covered Bridge will span three phases, and take two to three years to complete. Phase 1 construction was the foundation, columns, abutments, and slope protection. Phase 2 will be the flooring and trusses and will start in summer 2022, pending funding. Phase 3, the siding and the roof,  will follow in 2023, pending funding. 

Teichert and Mathews ReadyMix’s Role in Rebuilding 

Teichert and Mathews Readymix understood the importance of the Honey Run Covered Bridge to the community and stepped up to help in the way we knew best: with concrete. As a local company, we knew how priceless the bridge was and how important it was to the community to restore it to the gathering place it once was. Mathews Readymix donated all the concrete for the reconstruction of the Honey Run Covered Bridge post-fire, which was substantial. After architects scoped the project, the new pillars needed massive amounts of concrete. Mathews Ready Mix donated the labor and materials, which amounted to nearly 300 cubic yards. For comparison, that’s about 33 concrete trucks’ worth.  This donation ensured that Phase 1 of the Rebuild was completed in November 2020. 

“The amount that Mathews Readymix ended up donating surpassed what we envisioned. Their people running the machinery and trucks were very cooperative at times when the whole construction process was depending on them. They were cordial and helpful and a pleasure to work with.”

-Walt Schafer, Vice President, Honey Run Covered Bridge Association

You can be a part of the Honey Run Bridge’s future. If you want to help donate to the Honey Run Covered Bridge project, consider joining us in rebuilding the bridge. Donations are still needed for Phase 2 and 3. Or get involved by spreading the word about this important project. You can also participate in Honey Run Covered Bridge fundraising events. Join us in bringing back the Honey Run Covered Bridge for future generations to enjoy and build lasting memories.